Our Approach
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Announcing Dragonfly Clinics on Equity
Join us to explore foundational questions about how to do the challenging and sometimes messy work of changing our organizations in creative yet practical ways. Each clinic will bring together a learning community interested in exploring how to become better equipped with tools to build equitable organizational cultures and systems.
Our workshop series will cover the following topics:
Decision-Making Models: Letting go of the false binary between hierarchy and flat organizations (June 26, 2024)
Exploring Anti-Racist Performance Management Competencies (September, date TBD)
Bringing Your Full, Authentic BIPOC Self to Work (October, date TBD)
Preparing to Give and Receive Difficult Feedback (November, date TBD)
Toward Practicing Anti-Racism: A framework for building multiracial organizations (2025)
Good News
Our very own Rebecca Subar's book, When to Talk and When to Fight: The Strategic Choice between Dialogue and Resistance (PM Press, 2021), is a brilliant new way of talking about how we change the world. The book echoes Dragonfly's approach to changemaking.
Dragonfly collaboration with Mariame Kaba
In partnership with Mariame Kaba and Interrupting Criminalization, we developed a framework for conflict transformation in movement-building groups called In It Together. Explore the tools and resources that support the use of human-centered, non-punitive accountability practices in movement spaces.
Land Acknowledgement
We live and work in Lenapehoking, on the unceded land of the Lenape people. We acknowledge the Lenape community, their elders both past and present, as well as future generations. Dragonfly Partners also acknowledges that it was founded upon exclusions and erasures of many Indigenous peoples, including those on whose land we are located. This acknowledgement demonstrates a commitment to beginning the process of working to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.
(You can learn more about the practice of land acknowledgement here.)